Monday, September 26, 2016

Virgin, No More.

New blog post at

I've been super busy with all the steps regarding publishing Midnight Playground. It's a matter of a few weeks away.

I hope you'll join me over on the new website, read the blog posts there and give me your feedback regarding Midnight Playground.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

She believed she could, so she did. is up and running as of today!  Please visit my new website, I'll be migrating my entries from here to over there and updating that blog for the future.

Thank you so much for coming here, reading my posts, and supporting me at Minivan Philosopher all these years. I hope you'll follow me to, too.

Much love
-the philosopher

Friday, August 19, 2016

It's in the Production phase!

Hello! It's been a while, that's for sure. I've been working diligently editing my book, Midnight Playground Where the Soul Plays. It has taken me almost as long to edit it as it did to write it. But I have to say, it's really good.  The feedback from my beta-readers has been amazing and encouraging.

I sent the final draft and the cover artwork to the publisher two days ago.  Now I'm working on creating the social media presence for my book and developing the brand, Simone M Richards - author.  I'm learning TONS!  Eventually I will be migrating the Minivan Philosopher over to Simone's blog and website.  You will be notified when that happens.

It seems very surreal. The book could be available as soon as Christmas and as late at March.  Either way, I know that when it's ready it will be the right time for me. I've had wonderful support throughout the whole process from my family, my friends and my editor.  His feedback is immeasurable!  He saved the world from my first draft, ha ha ha!

I'm excited to get this underway and then head back to my keyboard and my office/study at home.  I've treated myself to an upstairs study. I kicked the Rockstar to the basement and moved the Sage to another room so I could have my own library/office/study.  I feel like a proper grownup now.  The Rockstar protested initially but I think he kind of likes his mini apartment in the basement.  Of course, I have to remind myself when I go down there to get to the laundry room, that the putrid smell is of his soccer cleats and not a dead animal.  He'll be off to college in twelve months. I'll miss him but not that smell.

Anyway, I apologize that I've been a bit neglectful to you here at Minivan Philosopher and wanted to update you. It's exciting times for me and pretty much everyone connected to me.

I saw this on a wooden sign at a store in Chicago recently.
She believe she could, so she did

Yep, you're right. I bought it.

Oh and it's been three years since my surgery and I'm still cancer-free!!!!

The Ferris Wheel in Seattle!  Yeah, I've been vacationing a bit as well as writing and editing. I'll post pics from our absolutely beautiful hikes in Oregon and Seattle, Washington soon.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

So long, farewell!

I have believed, and have been proven correct in my belief time and time again,  that most men end up eliminating themselves from consideration or inclusion in my life all by their lonesomes. Some do it in a more spectacularly disastrous manner than others. The last one takes the cake. #hiddenracist, #stupidracistcommentcostmemygirlfriend, and #secretlyrelievedhesgone. Still processing what I'm gonna say to him the next time I have the chance.

I have NO room in my life or soul for hidden or out in the open bigots.



Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Midnight Playground: Where the Soul Plays is at the publishers!!!

Last week I sent my publishing team the manuscript.  It is now in the content review and editorial assessment stage.  Holy Cow!!!

As soon as I hit the "send" button, I felt like throwing up.  My stomach was tied in a million knots and my arm pits started sweating.  This is my physical reaction when I'm excited and scared and nervous all at the same time.  I was thankful I had already booked a 4:30 yoga class as I needed it desperately to calm my insides and quiet my mind.  I was so happy to be doing side planks even though the are not my most favorite pose.  However, my mind had to stay focused on the plank at hand which was a relief from the constant chatter of my meandering mind.

As I left the studio after class, I felt much calmer and more in control.  I felt again aligned with the universe and what is supposed to happen in my life.  It was a huge step sending off the manuscript.  I feel good.  I know I have a LOT of work ahead of me to promote Midnight Playground: Where the Soul Plays and to get people interested in reading it.  I also feel deep down in my gut that it is going to be a LOT of fun!

In the week since I have tackled some home improvement projects and made progress on my to-do list.  You know, things that piled up (including my laundry) while I was focused on the book.  It feels good to reclaim all of my spaces (emotional, physical, internal and external).  And I'm ready to start finishing my other two books (Purg-a-Tory and 4199)... Life is good. :-)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My new reality is around the corner

Yeah! I did it. Finished the book. Been revising and editing for what seems like ages now. I've had three rounds of beta-readers and have absorbed all they suggested. Only one person didn't like it; but she still had valid comments. Now I'm finalizing the artwork, prepping the website, filling out paperwork, drawing up intellectual property contracts and generally feeling giddy about the future. It's really happening. My intention to live my life as a published author is only a few months away. It's going to be so much fun.

In between book stuff, I've been looking for a car for my Rockstar, working at my suddenly politically sensitive and busy "real job", managing to stay sane during club soccer season, doing lots of yoga (one year in so far and my body has really changed and it's no longer in constant pain -big smiles here!!), dieting and down 40 pounds since August...working on last 20. Love my life.

In the midst of all my wonderful happiness though are reminders that life is short and so unfair. I've lost two friends in the last six weeks to different medical issues: heart attack and colon cancer (yikes that's close to home!). Both men left behind kids and families that dearly loved them and a community that misses them tremendously. Both were musicians and when I heard of David Bowie's death today, I visualized them all making heavenly music together and it made me happy.

Love fully, love richly, love now
~the Philosopher