Thursday, September 5, 2013

Port coming soon

The port will be inserted Monday afternoon.  Still waiting on approval from insurance company for chemotherapy treatment which is why I don't have an actual chemo start date yet.  Can you see me rolling my eyes?  Look closely, now can you?

This waiting game is worse than what I used to call "TV time"... the hurry up, get ready, get on set, get mic'd up, seated, adjust the seat, adjust the lighting, okay ready to go.... five mins....... four..... three.... two.... one.... ten seconds down to the floor director just pointing his finger and the red light illuminating on Camera 1...

That used to seem to take forever.... but this is worse... the dr's saying, hurry up get in this week, the sooner you get started on chemo the better, my assistant will call you with the dates... to the... well we can't do anything till we get insurance approval, or I'm waiting on an email from the three doctors who will need to be involved, to don't worry, I'll call you...

So I wait.  Make plans. Change plans.  Make childcare arrangements/transport arrangements. Change them.  It's a good thing I'm so damn patient and flexible!

However, the silver lining is that I will get a final weekend (for the next six months) to enjoy zumba without worrying about the port, to have a tall, really tall, vodka/club soda, and to shower/bathe without having to worry about keeping the port dry etc...  I plan to enjoy it as much as I can.

Did I mention it's a good thing I'm so damn patient and flexible?

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