Thursday, February 20, 2014

9 days! and a few other thoughts

Nine days left... can't believe it.  Feeling almost euphoric about it that my chemo side effects, although still very annoying, are not bringing me down.  I have been dealing with chemo hot flashes the last few days and the sneezing has started too.  All part and parcel with a human body working to heal itself.  I have been sooo amazed at the resilience that is inherent in each of us.  I have worked hard to give my body the best shot too taking multitudes of vitamins, supplements, rest, exercise (when possible) and avoiding foods that will cancel out all the good things I'm doing.  I heard from a 10-year colon cancer survivor that eating an egg (complete with the yolk) each day was a great way to combat chemo brain.  So in addition to my daily banana I added a hard-boiled egg.  Not sure if I'm simply enjoying the placebo effect or if it really works but through these last six (number seven and final next week) treatments, I have not felt the fogginess or lacked the ability to concentrate.  The emotions still ebb and flow but they, too, don't seem out of control.  However, I do have a funny recent (and I'm going to say chemo brain related) incident that happened that I want to share.

I prefer to eat a hard-boiled egg every day but I had run out.  So on Sunday last, I had to boil some to restock my stash.  I put a dozen in a pot on the stove and went back to lay down on the couch.  I got seriously distracted because 30 minutes later when I remembered the eggs on the stove, all the water had boiled away and my little eggs were cracking up!  I rolled my eyes at the irony.  I was able to salvage them all and they weren't burnt (thankfully!).  I still laugh at it.  Note to self: boil eggs while remaining in the kitchen. 

Tonight I get to see the Avett Brothers in concert.  I am very excited.  I have included a link to one of their songs from the last time they were here.  I hope you enjoy it too.  It's got a powerful message.

Souls like Wheels

Anyway thanks for stopping by and reading.  Next time I will tell you about the absolutely surreal valentine's day and weekend... still trying to wrap my head around it!
More later :-)

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