Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dream Weaver

So last night I had the strangest dream... I was in college, again, and had my schedule sorted but I was there with my kids, living in the dorm and my ex was there too (although he was in a different dorm).  Naturally, in my dream I was not able to make it to my honors English class because I had to deal with some situation regarding my children.  It was all entirely believable and real... in my dream that is!

I have had the college-themed dream before but this was the first time my children were involved.  And usually the dream revolves around an exam that I'm supposed to take but that I haven't studied for or have never been to the class the whole term and am scrambling to drop the class or to find the class to fake my way through the test.  (BTW, I graduated from college over 20 years ago!)  I have realized over the years that these college-themed dreams usually happen when I'm am feeling some sort of stress in my life.

And when I have these dreams, I try to take a moment to address whatever is stressing me.  In this instance I believe I am stressed over a few things.  Here is what I think they are (in no particular order):
1) My Ladybug heading off to college in less than two months AND the college bill arriving in one month;
2) Acting as my infirm grandfather's power of attorney, waiting for his death and dealing with my extended family who just want to get their hands on their inheritance now;
3) Having to make repairs around the house that if I weren't single, a husband would handle.  But since I am, it's going to cost me $$ and contractors & repairmen always seem to jack the price up when they know it's a single lady... so I'm worried about the cost;


4) Latest bombing in Kabul... makes me worry about my Fox and his safety as he keeps the world safe for all of us.  I hate that the human race, even with centuries of precedents that intolerance and hatred are not the best course of action for our species, continues to perpetuate that cycle, leaving men (like my Fox) and women having to put their lives on the line to rein in that intolerance and hatred.

So, hopefully, in acknowledging what is causing me stress I can address them and/or eliminate them.  It certainly does me no good to ignore them.  I will simply have a dream where not only am I late for the exam but I will be naked too!  Wait that's not a dream that is a nightmare!!!

What sort of dreams do you have when you're stressed?  Feel free to share.

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