Sunday, October 20, 2013

Five regrets

Five regrets people confess on their deathbed

I like to read the blog in the link above. I find the postings to be insightful and so refreshing to read such posts from the male perspective. However, the link above is not gender specific; it is universal and I knew I had to share it with my readers.

I've been given a second chance at life because the cancer was found early, removed and now with the extra whammy of chemo, I can be cured of it.  And I'm resolved to not have any of these five regrets when I'm at my deathbed many many decades from now. I'm not going to waste this gift of life.  It is too precious.

I encourage you to click on the link and read it, reflect on it. How we live our lives is completely in our control and reflect our choices.  I choose to be happy.  Do you?

Top five regrets rewritten to be top five actions to live with no regrets...
1. Courage to live a life true to myself
2. Not work so hard.
3. Express my feelings
4. Stay in touch with my friends
5. Let myself be happier


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